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Radio 210 Jingles
With thanks and credit to Howard Pearce (for capturing these) and Pat Murphy (for sending them), here is one of the best quality recordings of the second set of 210 jingles from 1978 - captured from the original cartridges on studio tape by Howard around 1979/80, along with a couple of LP commercials of the time at the end)
1978 EMIson JinglesRadio 210
00:00 / 15:12
Again with thanks to Pat Murphy, here's a high-quality recording of some 210 Classic Gold Jingles.
210 CLASSIC GOLD jingles and sweepers.mpRadio 210
00:00 / 11:47
Here's the Most Famous Top Of The Hour Jingle, with thanks to Robin Blamires:-
Radio 210 1984 - Top of The Hour Jingle
00:00 / 00:00
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